The red cabled alpaca cardigan (what a mouthful) is finally done. I found the buttons at Tender Button, a delightful store at the corner of Rush and Oak, two weeks ago and managed to sew them on just in time to pick my mother up from the airport at 1 in the morning last Friday. Note to self: ignore bursts of inspiration that occur after midnight. I don't particularly like sewing on buttons at the best of times, no wonder it took so long to finish the thing. Once the temperature comes down to something more civilized (around 70 or so) I'll model the sweater with something other than a towel.

I've also finished spinning up the 8oz. ball of Masham roving that I picked up at MS&W last month. The second 2-ply skein has dried and now sits next to its mate waiting for me to figure out what to do with it. Does this look like socks to you?

I have a little over 200 yards of what looks like worsted weight 2-ply to work with. WPI? If it does tun into socks, they would at the very least be incredibly warm in my LLBean muck boots. Something to think about when it gets cold again. For now, it's time to see if I can get another repeat done on the lace shawl.