Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Guess what we did this weekend?

DH and I headed out to the pacific northwest to visit a good friend of ours and in between hitting some fabulous yarn shops in Portland we managed to snap some FO pics.

This is just a little tease to tide you over until the real FO post since it's going to take me another day or two to get things settled around here. We had a very lonely kitty to contend with when we walked through the door Monday night. Speaking of lonely kitties, I've just been informed that I'm three days behind on someone's quota of cuddles and I'd better get cracking. 

I hope you all had as wonderful a weekend as we did!


Jonah said...

Lovely! I'm looking forward to seeing more!

Gale Bulkley said...

Congratulations on making the finish line. The back looks fantastic. As for lonely kitties, I've really enjoyed the cat's enthusiastic greetings upon return from away.

Brendaknits said...

Tease indeed! I can't wait to see all.